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  • Nationality: New Zealand
  • Gender: Male
  • Type: Student
  • Place of Study: AUckland
  • Campus: ICL
  • Needs From: 31 Aug 2024
  • Needs To: 30 Aug 2025
  • Meals Required: None
  • Needs Internet: Yes
  • Smokes?: No
  • Needs Airport Pickup?: No
  • Okay with Pets: Yes
I am currently living in Auckland, where I moved in April 2024 to study English for nearly a year. This April, I began my Master's program. My wife and 6-year-old daughter will be joining me at the end of August. My wife has just received her spouse work visa, and my daughter has been granted a student visa.

I am looking for a new accommodation for my family as the homestay I'm currently in cannot accommodate more people due to space limitations. I've been living with a Christian family at northcote in NORTH SHORE, and I've greatly enjoyed the experience. The sense of community and the relationship I have with my current landlords have been wonderful. I recently became a Christian, and living in a Christian environment has been very important to me.

As such, I'm prioritizing finding a home in a central area with a Christian family. It’s important for me to continue this lifestyle, especially as I prepare to reunite with my family. I hope to find a suitable place as soon as possible, particularly since my daughter needs to enroll in primary school.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to finding a place where my family can feel at home.


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