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  • Deposit: $300
  • Minimum stay: 3 weeks
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Internet: Yes
  • Smoking: Outside
  • Can pickup airport?: No
  • House has pets?: No
  • Available from: 31 Jul 2024
  • Available to: 01 Nov 2024
  • Guests: Students, Travellers, Workers
Lovely furnished room. 4min walk to bus stop or 15 min walk to train station, both bus or train direct to the CBD. Close to Sylvia Park. 3min walk to Tamaki coastal walk and bike way( I even have a bike you could use)
Looking for female for the room. I live here on my own with my dog and cat( so you must like animals) breakfast provided is cereal, toast or porridge. Share bathroom and toilet. Have Netflix etc in living area. Unlimited wifi.


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